Effect of Ovaprim™ and hCG on spawning induction of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758) female broodstock

Document Type : Original Article


1 Fisheries Department, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Sowmeh Sara, Iran.

2 Siahkal Dr. Yousefpour Marine Fishes Restocking and Genetic Conservation Center, Siahkal, Iran.


This study was conducted to determine the effect of OvaprimTM and hCG hormones on induction of Perca fluviatilis in captivity, as well as examination of spermatological parameters of this fish. In the first treatment, 14 females with an average weight of 99.3±17.4 g were injected with a dose of 0.5 ml kg-1 body weight with OvaprimTM hormone. In the second treatment, 5 females with an average weight of 103.8±19.8 were injected at the dose of 500 international units per kg body weight with hCG hormone. In both experimental treatments, injections not performed in male broodstock. In order to determine the spermatological parameters, 10 males with an average weight of 92.0±13.1 g were used. According to the results, the fastest maturation time (1586.4 degree-hour) and the highest percentage of response (100%) were observed in hCG treatment (P<0.05). While the percentage of response in ovaprimTM treatment was 64.3%. The significant differences were not observed between two treatments in the average weight of swollen egg per fish, the average number of swollen egg per gram, percentage of fertilization, and hatching duration (P>0.05). Based on the results of this study, mean sperm volume of Perca fluviatilis was 1.3±1.1 ml, mean sperm activity was 80.5±15.31%, mean motility time was 155.4±57.7 seconds, mean percentage of spermatocrit was 84.3±11.4, and the mean spermatozoid concentration was 41.9±29.7×109 ml-1. The results of this study showed that to induce spawning of Perca fluviatilis broodstock in captivity hCG is more suitable than ovaprimTM. Considering the desirable effects of hCG, it is recommended that to induce spawning of Perca fluviatilis broodstock this hormone can be used.
